Thursday, January 27, 2011

the little things , drive me crazy....

As I said a few blogs back when I was a kid I was a political junkie. At one point I thought ,"Well I'll go to law school and then run for office and have a career in public service"- oh , yeah I believe the idea that someday I'll be president ran thru my pre-teen head. Of course at the same time I was having some, "oh my God how long can this Vietnam mess last? Who do I know in Canada?"thoughts as well. Probably not conducive to being a future Commander in Chief.

A few years down the road, disillusioned, I turned my attention to other endeavors, but I have always kept one eye on the world of political hi jinx.

The other night , I think it was the CBS evening news, there was a story about some congressman who were living in their offices. Not many, about eight, and they were all men (of course), but this was supposedly a big ethical stand they were taking. They're not part of the Washington Elite, "why we don't even live here! We sleep in our office on the couch!"

Much was made of the fact that they had their clothes hanging in a storage room, and they ate cereal at their desk and they took showers in the gym locker room. What Spartans, these men are! What a bold principled stand they are taking~

I swear to God , I wanted to get in the truck drive down to the Capital, grab these goons by the scruff of the neck and drag their butts to a Motel 6.

What a bunch of phony weasels ( I apologize to the weasel community in advance). Get out! Have some respect for the Capital, it's not some flophouse. The Frat days are over boys. You don't want to be a Washington insider? Go find a apartment in Maryland! Maybe all you guys can rent a house together and you can write your name on the milk that you buy so that the congressman from Kansas won't use it in his cornflakes.

Oh , this story just annoyed me- I hate that sanctimonious BS, "Look at the sacrifices I'm making for you folks back home" Funny, I didn't see any of your staff living in the office with you. I guess that 22 year old kid right out of college who is working for you , for peanuts, he's part of the Beltway, so it's okay for him to spend money on rent.

I hope the people back home are embarrassed. (probably not, "Oh Look he's just like Jimmy Stewart in that movie! A true Patriot)

A goon.

ps with apologies to all goons

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