Wednesday, April 9, 2008

tell him your plans

well it has been quite a while since i've spent some time here at the ol' blog. i cheated a bit last night and posted some video. i did that because i discovered i could and that its really pretty simple, which is perfect for me.

when i started this in november, my idea was to jot down some eccentric little ruminations on the petty day to day nonsense that dominates my life. an excuse to sit for a few minutes a couple of nights a week and just write. a few minutes at night, get into the rhythm of writing again and who knows

that was my plan.

right from the first post i was balking at the permanent nature of the idea that's kicking around in your head gets a pass. but once it's printed it gets scrutiny. of course deep down what i was really leery about was the unspoken demand that a blog be personal, that it reveal. i'll admit it. i am surface boy (not circus boy, that was mickey dolenz) i'm happy to deal with the world in an intellectual way, with a certain distance, a certain reserve. the blog demands that reserve become reveal.

on feb 7 at 8 am , after 3 weeks in the hospital fighting pneumonia and infection my dad passed away, those three weeks were the longest of my life. time came to a standstill. the outside world faded away.

for three weeks my world was the couch in the playroom, the couch in the icu waiting room and the chair at my dads bedside. the sound i dreaded most was the phone. at all hours of the day or night.

especially at 2am feb 7.

i will now resume writing this blog. i will resume examining the odds and ends. and every so often i will write about the change(s) that started that morning.

how do you make god laugh? tell him your plans