Saturday, January 8, 2011

going to hell in a handcart...but not hungry

I had a relationship with a lovely young lady a few years back. While it lasted, delightful.

(here I will interject that very few of my relationships end as "pals". Scorched earth would probably be a more accurate description- but that's a discussion for another time perhaps)

A delightful woman. Smart, funny, beautiful, the whole magilla.

When she was upset or felt that her life was in disarray (sometimes I was the source, but most times , not) she would do something to her hair. A new style, a new color- sometimes subtle, sometimes ....hmmmm....dramatic. One look would tell you all you needed to know. An inch or so off the length- okay. Bangs- uh oh. Platinum Blond- run!

"When I find myself in times of trouble...." This young lady would head for the salon.
I cook and/or bake.

I like to cook and will do so most nights, but I'm talking about when the clouds of doom are gathering , I will COOK. Head down, all business, try to dice and chop my way to tranquility.

Today I made a batch of brownies, an Irish soda bread, an onion tart, 24 meatballs and the sauce to go with them, a pot of black bean soup and a pot of minestrone.

And I did three loads of laundry


....but please take some of this food with you.

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