Wednesday, June 30, 2010


If there is a god--

The fact that he created Fireflies proves he has a delightful sense of humor

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer (the first time)

A few months back I got an email from my friend Kate- she told me that she had just seen the movie "On The Town" for the very first time. This is without question one of my favorite movies- and I was happy that she enjoyed it.

I will also admit that I was a bit jealous. That's right I'll admit it- jealous. Y'see although I can close my eyes and remember dozens of memorable moments form the movie (the fact that in the opening song "New York, New York", filmed on location all over the city, each time the sailors sing "The Bronx is up and the Battery's down" they point in the correct direction) - I felt a slight pang of regret that I couldn't see it again for the first time.

There are movies and recordings that I cherish because they are like a part of my DNA- I watch Annie Hall or Taxi Driver and beyond knowing the story and the lines ,I know every breath , every pause, which shot comes next. I adore that.

But there is also a special thrill of discovery when you experience something for the first time. A few weeks back I watched the Tommy Lee Jones movie ,"The Three Burials......" and it was amazing- I had no idea where this story was going next- and now weeks later I'm still playing it in my head.

These thoughts were prompted by a show on PBS tonight- Carol King and James Taylor at the Troubador. The two of them trading songs back and forth, impeccably performed, a story or two along the way- and then a break as pleas for cash are made- and then back to the music.

James Taylor sang "Fire and Rain", of course he did, that song is like wallpaper, you've heard it so many times it doesn't even register. But tonight I was given a gift- for some reason , I heard it for the first time.

a perfect song. perfect.

Last year I was walking into K mart- parking lot noise turning into crowd noise, yelling kids, and a TV for sale blasting away.... and a song playing on the store PA , years ago it would have been Muzak but now they play music. Something about the arrangement of the song caught my attention, this wasn't any anonymous pop song , this was the real deal. What is that? Who is That? It took a second to focus and then there it was- The Beatles " A Hard Days Night"... for the first time


ps Summer (the first time) - is an Old Bobby Goldsboro song. wanna be amazed?Listen to that for the first time.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

How sick are we???!!!!

We are so sick that-

Get on Montauk Highway (the main drag by where I live) head east for five miles. Make a list- CVS, Rite Aid, Thornhills (oops that was a local pharmacy, they're gone) Walgreens, CVS, CVS (not a typo) Walgreens and finish at.... you guessed it, CVS.

We (and by we I mean somebody , not me) take a drug Like Pristiq. Pristiq , a drug that in the official description states "Pristiq is thought to work by.........." Thought to work? That's the best they can do?

I will say that the TV commercials for Pristiq feature that little wind up ,tin "depressed lady" toy, that I would add to my toy collection in a second if I ever saw it in a store.