Monday, October 3, 2011

b t express.........

For the past few weeks I have been computerless- I would like to be able to report that life went on without a hitch whilst "unplugged". Sadly, this is not the case- I have become one of "those people".

My laptop ceased to be, it became a rather large paperweight. I took it to a local repair lad and he rolled his eyes and seems my Dell was a dinosaur, an antique, a relic........

I began to look for a new computer.Hmmmmm so many choices and when the salesman starts selling my eyes begin to glaze. I'll figure this out....soon.  I think that I have decided to go with a full desk top set up. I rarely if ever took the laptop out for a walk, I basically sat at the table and did all my webbing. Excellent! the choice is made! Although, I will admit that the I Pad is an enticing little vixen. ......stay strong! stay focused.

During the interim my computing has depended on the kindness of strangers (I'm writing this on a borrowed notebook computer) or strong arming my way onto a library computer. (which I don't mind really, because it forces me to be all business at the keyboard- it also gives me a chance to make goo goo eyes at the reference librarian, she of the horn rim glasses and the Louise Brooks bob)

But enough about me........... let me tell you what I did this weekend........

I had a delightful lunch in a Chinese restaurant, I rarely have dessert, but they had Bubble Tea. I had heard about this for a few years but never crossed it's path before. There it was! I had to try it.

The one I had was a lilac color- unlike any food stuff I had ever seen, it was more like a color you would find on "My Little Pony" . At the bottom of the glass was about a half an inch of navy blue tapioca pearls. I'll let you reflect on that image for a second.

The glass of bubble tea is served with a wide straw, big enough for the pearls of tapioca to flow through. As you begin to sip the liquid (a subtle fruity blend of ...well it's not really tea and it's not really juice...) the tapioca pearls begin to flow through the straw as well.

It's a sensation that takes a few moments to adjust to. I expected that the tapioca would be a bit mushy , but it was oddly chewy.

All in all, a silly way to end a meal. In a good way.

My favorite part of this whole episode was this evening when I was describing this experience to a friend , she dubbed it a "Snacktivity".   Perhaps the greatest new word of this young millennium.

ps I will also be shocked if some food company does not market Bubble Tea  to the children of the world , soon

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