Monday, February 14, 2011

hey Al, Quibble?

There is a well known definition for insanity- Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different results. This is attributed to all sorts of people, including Albert Einstein.

I will now venture to add another definition- Making Homemade "KitKat" bars. That's right,the candy that can be found at supermarkets, 7-11's, and drugstores all over the country for a reasonable price. I spent a half hour or so yesterday making handcrafted "kitKat" bars.

My foodie friend , Erin, had tweeted the recipe and said that she hadn't made them yet ,but was intrigued. At first ,I scoffed, but as the days went on I became more and more intrigued. So off to the store I went to stock up on the necessaries- chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, creamy peanut butter etc. While i was checking out (and scanning the tabloid headlines, guilty pleasure) I passed a whole bunch of Kit Kat bars, they were right there, turn to my right and boom! candy! lots of it! NO! I was going to go home and make my own.

So I did. I will admit there's not much cooking involved, it's mostly just melting stuff and assembling. The first item to be melted? A half pound, two sticks!, of butter. You can see where this is headed. I mean you could put a half pound of melted butter on an old shoe and it would taste great. Mmmmmm Buttery. It has always been my sister Betsy's contention that nobody really likes Lobster, they like the butter.

I digress.

So all went according to plan, I melted a half cup of this with a half cup of that ,poured the whole thing over some Club crackers, melted even more stuff and poured it over the whole shebang and by Jimminy, after a couple two three hours in the fridge, I had me some "Kit Kat"bars.

I will say that they don't taste exactly like a "KitKat" bar, but that's a minor quibble, cause they taste pretty darn good. Brainstorm! I will from now on call these little morsels, "Quibbles"

Okay, maybe this didn't rise to the level of insanity, but it was pretty darn silly. Don't know if I'll ever make these again , I have so many ,I think I'll be eating "Quibbles" for the next two weeks. It was fun to pretend to be Jacques Torres (great candy maker) for an afternoon.

Insane? No. Although I could probably just put a stick of butter between two Hershey bars and achieve the same result.

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