Wednesday, April 14, 2010

mystic chords

I feel awful

I wrote down this quote a few years back, I do that often, I'll jot (great word) something down and put it in my wallet or in a book I'm reading and then years later-"well , hello little friend!"

I found this in a box of old scripts- one problem, I didn't write down the author! Hence, awful.

here's the quote anyhoo

"sometimes the water is yellow and sometimes it is red. But what color it may be in memory depends upon that day. I'm not going to tell the story the way it happened, I'm going to tell it the way I remember it"

Amen. unknown writer person!

The only type of memory I trust is faulty memory. I like the amendments we make as we remember things. Unless you're testifying at my murder trial I am more than happy to hear your memories- the way you remember them.

Often when I teach an acting class I'll ask people what their earliest memory is. Some folks tell me "I remember when I was was three months old. I was in my stroller and..........) That's great- it's bullshit but it's great.

I have a memory of being on the stoop of our apartment in the Bronx when I was three. It's a memory but, I wouldn't swear it happened. Oh , I was on the stoop a whole heck of a lot , I'm sure. But i don't remember it- that doesn't mean I can't construct a nice memory though.

Sometimes I'm on the stoop and it's winter and sometimes it's spring, depends on the day.

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