Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I approve this message.......

"In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes"

Of course we all know that quote. Many people probably know Andy Warhol (if they know him at all) for that rather than his art..

I now nominate this quote to take it's place alongside Warhols;

"Nobody knows anything"

Some of you have heard that one. It comes from screenwriter/novelist  William Goldman. He wrote it about Hollywood- everybody thinks they know what it takes to make a hit, but of course the truth is nobody knows.

I'm thinking about that insight tonight as I watch coverage of the Iowa Caucus (that's an odd word). I'm flipping between CNN, MSNBC, FOX, lots of people are talking, lots of theories are being put out there, tons of numbers are being spun. and the only thing that you can take away from all this TV is.........(see above).

Don't get me wrong,  I love it, it's loads of fun and if you sift thru all the BS there are little nuggets of information to be found.

It is adorable to see Rachel Maddow let her nerd flag fly, she has a huge grin on her face as she tells us that what's happening is "exciting" and "Fascinating". Oh, I'm not being snarky here, I love the enthusiasm these political types exhibit. I confess, I used to be one of them. I think I've written on here in the past about my love of the world of politics, oh, I had it bad. I got better.

The one thing I will say, especially to all the social conservative candidates, talking to you Rick Santorum, I think you want to stay with the economy and jobs. Leave the family and gay marriage etc alone.

Change is slow , sometimes glacial, but sometimes the change train leaves the station and you can't bring it back. Trains head one way. The other day Santorum said that he would look to annul gay marriages if elected. 20 years if you had talked about gay marriage you would have been shunned, 10 years ago people would have scoffed, 5 years ago, they would have giggled, next week they'll be RSVPing to their cousin Billys wedding to Frank.

Oh, I have to go Wolf Blitzer is crunching numbers........

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