Saturday, December 4, 2010

are we not men?......we are Tivo

Spent the another night catching up on shows that I committed to the old DVR, although to me it will always be TIVO.

Last nights barrage of shows were all of the PBS variety- they are begging for money this month and I can't watch this spectacle. I will spend a few minutes staring at Laura Savini for a few moments in passing, but that's it.

Oh and before you cast aspersions (I hear they are having an open casting call for Aspersions!) I donate to PBS- so I can whine with a clear conscience.

speaking of whining -The worst part of this whole begathon is that they take off the shows I usually watch (Colameco's Food Show etc) and replace it with 24 hours of" TJ Lubinsky presents Wayne Dyer speaking about How to increase your Brain Power by Investing Wisely in Old Folk Songs" sheesh.

(wow, I had not planned on the above rant at all- oh the rage, the hidden rage!)

What I had planned writing about is the Mystery series "Sherlock" This is a wonderful show.When I first read about it I scoffed- a modern day Sherlock Holmes? computers and cell phones and Watson? Oh Puhleeze!

It shouldn't work , but it does. See If you can find the first episode on line somewhere, It does a great job of introducing the characters as contemporary, but with a nod of respect to the long history of Holmes.There is a delightful running bit of business of people assuming that Holmes and Watson are lovers. Makes sense.

Of course in Typical British TV fashion the first series of "Sherlock" has three episodes. Just as you are getting really involved - finished. I will admit that I like that about English shows, they don't feel the need to just continue on and on and on. They'll tell their stories and leave, thank you very much. Hopefully the second series will arrive soon.

I also watched the documentary "Lennon in NY"- It boggles my mind that he was killed 30 years ago! Time, you are one sneaky mofo. A terrific comprehensive look at his time in the US- Both in NYC and the "Lost Weekend" in LA.

It's great to see the city back in the '70's, what a difference! I know it's hip to moan that the city is too "safe" now, too Disneyfied. I was there ....often.......back then, it was scary- real scary. Fun? Exciting? Memorable? oh yeah, but did I mention it was scary- real scary? I tell you a story or two sometime.

The show is a must see for any Lennon/Beatle/ rock and roll/ NYC fan, but there is a moment near the end that is transcendent. It is an audio recording of John and Sean , who was about 4 years old at the time, Sean is drawing and telling his Dad what he's drawing. So we hear the voices and we see the picture that Sean drew, a monster, it kinda looks like John's drawings. As I watched and listened my heart started to ache a bit, and then Sean begins to sing... a bit of "Little Help From My friends" in a clear strong little kid voice. Then he tells his Dad , that's his favorite song and asks if John sang that song. John tells him , No, that Ringo was singing, but John and Paul were singing along.

I rewound and watched that moment a dozen times.

Do yourself a favor, find it and watch.

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