how long to you think it takes someone to get over a relationship? my friend has been dating this guy for four and a half years- he's married and he keeps telling my friend that the time isn't right, that he needs to stay with his wife until they get a number of issues settled and then my friend and he can be together. so she's decided to break up with him. so, how long do you think it takes for someone to get over a relationship?
an interesting dilemma, something dr. phil might like to handle. the above was a question put to me by young lady who worked behind the counter at a hess station. i do not know this girl. the full extent of our relationship was me buying a diet lipton green tea (citrus) and the daily news. I got my change and that question. the five people in front of me did not get the question. i suspect the people behind me did not get the question. i did.
in a crowded theater if the comedian or magician needs someone from the doesn't matter where i am's me.
standing in line at stop and shop i have been told the most personal details about surgery, family squabbles, sexual misconduct........and on and on.
the couch .by the cook books in borders. a desert storm vet. me. 45 minutes to read a few chapters of a new dortmunder novel by donald westlake. a simple hello leads to him telling me about his time in iraq, his alcohol and drug abuse, the upcoming race war and his plan to murder his wife.
years ago i met brian wilson at a book signing-he signed my book. I shook his hand and he looked me right in the eye and said "good vibes" is there any higher compliment than that?
is that it? is that why they all find me? do i have a warm welcoming demeanor? am i an obviously caring person? do i communicate compassion without judgement? am i a dope?
so next time you see me at the bookstore, show me some love and let me finish a few more chapters
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