Monday, February 27, 2012

don't look behind that curtain........

A month or so back, I'm sitting in a Barnes and Noble store, drinking a large green ice tea (sweetened, thank you very much) paging thru one of the most recent James Patterson books- not really a fan , but I am in awe of the fact that he basically puts out a book monthly. Perhaps I am most in awe of the fact that he gets away with co- writing these books. What the...? As far as I can tell he sketches out characters and story and the co writer does the nuts and bolts. Amazing.

But that's not why you called, So , over the PA they play the featured Cd's of the month, hoping to entice you and then crush your will and force you to buy what they're hawking. Usually I can resist. On this particular night they were playing a new compilation of Frank Sinatra's greatest hits. Now , if you were born after 1940, these songs are woven into your DNA, you've grown up with these playing somewhere in the background. There is no need to purchase. For God's sake, you probably have all of these songs at home already! Included in this collection are My Way and New York, New York- no right thinking person needs to ever hear these overblown, overproduced, over played monstrosities ever again.

Of course, as I was leaving, I stopped by the music section and bought a copy. ........It was on sale!.... I'm a member, I get an extra 10% off- on top of the sale price!!! Witchcraft is on there! Under My Skin!! Summer Wind!!!! That's one of my favorite recordings of all time!

Okay, I fell right into the trap they set, but no regrets, it's a wonderful collection and I listen to it a ton. He was remarkable- listen to the ease of this performance of Under My Skin. I love the way he swings when he gets to the bridge " I would sacrifice anything....." A true Artist- one of a kind. Lot's of imitators, but no one comes close.

Of course , he was also a world class shit. One of a kind nasty bastard. I'm sure members of his family would disagree, but there is plenty of evidence on hand that points to the fact that he could be a spiteful, ruthless, cold, cruel, monster. But.....the songs, the work.

I read the recent memoir by Dyan Cannon about her relationship with Cary Grant. He was much older , near the end of his career , she was at the start of hers- they met, fell in love, got married, had a child.

He was also controlling, jealous, domineering, prone to wild swings in mood and totally enamored with LSD. He made her life a living hell, But the movies, that voice, that face, that smile. One of a kind- NO ONE like him.

Woody Allen...........
John Kennedy........
Walter Brennan.........

The artist owes us their art and ....what else? Anything? Should we care how they lead their lives outside of their work? The more we know about...(fill in a name) does it change the way we watch the movie, listen to the song, see the painting, cast our vote?

just asking.

ps If anyone is looking for the most beautiful woman in the world, you can call off the search. I found her. She works in the Cafe at Barnes and Noble in Newburgh NY, right off the thruway.

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