Saturday, June 5, 2010

How sick are we???!!!!

We are so sick that-

Get on Montauk Highway (the main drag by where I live) head east for five miles. Make a list- CVS, Rite Aid, Thornhills (oops that was a local pharmacy, they're gone) Walgreens, CVS, CVS (not a typo) Walgreens and finish at.... you guessed it, CVS.

We (and by we I mean somebody , not me) take a drug Like Pristiq. Pristiq , a drug that in the official description states "Pristiq is thought to work by.........." Thought to work? That's the best they can do?

I will say that the TV commercials for Pristiq feature that little wind up ,tin "depressed lady" toy, that I would add to my toy collection in a second if I ever saw it in a store.

1 comment:

hannshai said...

I find the Pristiq commercial catchy.

- Pristiq lawsuit -