Thursday, March 8, 2012

sweet dreams, baby.......

A few years back I was reading an article about how we learn- part of the article involved the influence of sleep and dreams on learning. During one part of the process the researchers needed to be able to see if the could control what their subjects were dreaming about. As I read this I said outloud "Tetris" - y'know that classic, elegant computer/video game.

I'm not a big games player , but for a while I was hooked on Tetris. I had a hand held game that I would play on the train, an hour or so each day.  During the night I would always have a Tetris based dream.

So , I'm reading the article, I turn the page and there it is-Tetris! The researchers discovered that people who played Tetris before going to bed were inclined to dream Tetrisy that night. They had a long explanation as to why, but I was so proud of myself for guessing.

Last week I saw the movie, Pina, by Wim Wenders , a documentary/performance film about the dance/theater work of Pina Bausch. I knew a bit about her, and had seen a few lips of her work, but I was coming to this experience with open eyes.


Each night since , my dreams have been Pina-esque, which makes sense, many of her pieces have that crystal clear dream logic.

I have to see it again, I'd like to try and track it down in 3D, i saw it in your basic 2D.

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