Wednesday, March 7, 2012

anyone have an aspirin?.......

If you are 50 years old (or older) let's take a quick trip back to those thrilling days of yesteryear

Think about the neighborhood you grew up in. ( I grew up in a suburban neighborhood, about an hour east of NYC, on Long Island, or as the locals say Lawn Guyland)

Think about the families who were your neighbors.

Now, how many kids were in those families?

I'll start- My family 5 kids. Next door on the west 5 kids. Across the street on the east 6 kids. Behind us 4. down on the corner 5 on the other corner 6 and then 10.

There were a few 2's and 3"s sprinkled in but you get the idea

The majority of these families (mine included) were Irish Catholic.

I remember I went to a wedding once where the bride was from a family of 10 and the groom was from a family of 14. (French catholic marrying into Irish Catholic)

Let's travel back now to the present. Same neighborhood, same houses. No kids, no kids, two kids, two kids, two kids, that one house on the corner- 5 kids, obviously there's something in the water at the end of the block.

you get the idea.

So, unless there has been a massive improvement in the Rhythm method - somebody is using contraception, someone has some birth control in the house. Raise your hand if you believe that married men are using condoms- I don't see any hands.

Is it possible that the use of birth control goes beyond sex crazed college co eds?

just asking

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