Sunday, December 26, 2010

what is the definition of insanity....?


I like when things tap into that primal/cave man part of your brain, right now the snow continues to fall as it has all day, the wind is howling, I have a fire going in the fireplace (the best place to have a fire, by the way)- I went to the store earlier , so I am well stocked with provisions and I am experiencing a great feeling of security and contentment. I have bested the elements (so far)

Of course, there are still some lessons that need to be learned. Last year during a big snow storm I thought-I'll go out every few hours and shovel the walk and the driveway, That way I'll just be doing small amounts ,no big accumulation. I think I might have heard someone suggest that on the radio. Well..... it doesn't work! If anything ,I feel like I did four times as much shovelling.

This afternoon I started again- shovel every few hours. Dope! Between the falling snow and the drifting snow , I made no progress at all.

I think I'll just go sit in front of the fire and commune with my caveman brain- Urrrrrr, Fire! Good!

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