Friday, December 10, 2010


I first heard this band about three years ago- great classic rock sound and Grace's voice is just amazingly soulful. She just lets it rip. I saw a video of a live show they did and just fell in love with the passion and joy that poured off that stage. Grace is charming and funny and plays the guitar and one of my favorite (now almost forgotten) rock instruments, The Hammond B3. Any self respecting band in the 70's had to have a B3. I played in a band, we had a B3, it was great. Of course the drag is we had to move that mutha everynight. It was like moving a real heavy piece of furniture EVERYNIGHT. Think full size pull out sleeper couch, Castro convertible. Okay I'm getting off topic.

So the Nocturnals, for a while they have been percolating under the radar. lots of "You gotta hear this band" talk and then the other day I heard they were playing the VH1 Diva show. So I watched and was blown away. At first the crowd was a bit laid back, but as they hit the chorus-bam!- 20,000 people jumpin up and down singin along. It was great to see.

Oh, and when I first got to know them they had a kinda t shirt and jeans hippie vibe working (they are from Vermont) Well, the other night, "Heidi Klum" was leading the band, what a transformation. I was gobsmacked. I can't off hand think of a rock band where the front woman was drop dead glam. On the show the played with Heart, which seems like a precedent, but somehow doesn't feel the same to me.

I love bands like this and hope these guys break big or at least continue playing and making great music. I kick myself because last Jan, they played a Midnight Ramble at Levon Helms' studio. An intimate gig for about 100 people at Levon's in Woodstock. and I didn't go... dope.

Keep an eye out for an episode of the show "The Artist Den" a full Hour of the Nocturnals filmed during the summer at Bryant Park in the City. Already the show has attained "legendary" status. they were scheduled to play for an hour and played for two ,whipping the crowd into the requisite frenzy.

we'll see

ps on the video- 2:41- oh dear god in heaven

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