Thursday, January 5, 2012


Someone gave me  a gift certificate a few months back to an Italian restaurant. Very thoughtful. I travel a lot, going back and forth to different theaters for rehearsals and/or performances, so to be gifted a meal or two or three nearby where I'm working is always appreciated.

(from the Producers: Bloom-" You can't shoot the actors. Actors aren't animals" Bialystock-"did you ever eat with one?")

This place was perfect, close to a theater I was working at, but not too close. In other words, if I ate there, chances are I could eat by myself and not be disturbed by other cast members. I know a bit antisocial, but I like to sit by my self and read during a meal break.

The food is wonderful and the service is excellent- nothing fancy schmancy, your basic red sauce Italian joint.

I've been back a few times, it was a very generous gift, and I would probably go back more often, but.....

I have established that I like to read as I eat ( I know , bad habit) usually the daily papers, sometimes a book. In the dining room they have music playing AND a television tuned to the local all news station AND another TV tuned to ESPN. Both Televisions have the sound turned on, not loud, but audible. I'm trying to eat my bowl of minestrone while The Human League asks the eternal question, "Don't you Want Me Baby" and Norm is giving me Traffic and weather together and Skip Bayless is droning on about Tim Tebow.

Oh and in the mens room opposite the toilet, hanging on the wall....... there's another TV. ESPN2.

Next time I'll pack a lunch and eat in the car.

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