Thursday, April 15, 2010

save me a seat

I'm a big movie fan. Have been for as long as I can remember. When i was a young 'un we would do the drive in most summmer weekends.

I feel bad for the young punks today ,that they missed the glories of the drive in. I will take some time in the future to bask in the past that was drive in attendance, the movie and everything that surrounded it.

I remember that being at college in the mid 70's was like living in a movie/film/cinema paradise. you had-the downtown theater (the batcave) The twin cinema in the local shopping center and the theater one town over, as well as the movies shown on campus. Foreign film clubs, classic repetory clubs, silent stuff! thrilling! If I didn't see at least 7 movies a week , in a theater, I felt deprived (depraved)

And to this day There are few things i enjoy more than a movie in a theater. Unfortunately the circumstances of my life right now preclude me from getting out to the local "plex" but I still love me some movies.

One of my fondest memories is sitting in a theater at college, (packed! every seat taken) Watching 'Nashville'. At the end of the movie everyone is getting up to leave and talking about the movie as they get ready. Now' Nashville' is one of those movies you either love it or hate it. It's difficult not to have an opinion about Altman stuff in general. So, people are getting up, some are griping about what they just saw, others are just short of nirvana. Opinions begin to be exchanged. Differences of opinion begin to be exchanged. opinions- shouted! responses- shouted!

Soon enough everyone is involved! sides are taken, people who were out the door come back in to be part of what's happening. The lights are up, the movie is over, but nobody is going any where! For at least a half hour the crowd stays and talks (shouts) about what they just saw.

It was Thrilling. I don't think anybody changed their opinion about the movie but it was a great thing to be a part of.

Now I know I'm treading into old coot territory but does stuff like that happen anymore? I hope so. Are we still passionate about movies? Maybe. I just might not hang around the right people anymore, I'm too old.

I will say that the whole world saw Avatar , but I don't hear anyone really worked up about it. They say they liked it and thats about as far as they go. Just go back a few years and look at Titanic, huge hit AND audiences lived and breathed that movie. Again maybe I'm just hangin' with the wrong crowd. My cat doesn't get out much.

That said I am giddy with anticipation about Kick-Ass. Normally this is not the kind of movie that's at the top of my List but, that coming attraction is absolutely thrilling (you know the one I mean--HitGirl) It would seem that this thing is a no compromise, take no prisoners hard core, comic book (there I said it) action movie. This could be huge,

or I might be setting myself up for a fall

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