Sunday, March 28, 2010

...a thousand words

A few years back (on the occasion of my 50th birthday) A wonderful friend gave me a framed photo of the two of us in a show (A little Night Music) taken twenty years ago. As it got passed around at the party one of my newer friends said "That's You?!" I was somewhat taken aback. "yeah that was me."

Now you must understand, in the past thirty years my weight has yo-yo' d to say the least. (with an emphasis on the second yo) And my hairline has made a steady retreat but I'm still me. And when I look at that picture or any picture of me. I see me. Fat , skinny, bald, hair down to my butt, it's all me.

Would I like to lose weight? Oh yeah, and I will eventually. It's a whole lot harder in my 50's than it was in my 20's. Would I like a full head of hair? Not really. the bald thing never bothers me, I kind of enjoy it. The going grey thing pissed me off but I'm resigned to that.

So whatever the photgraphic evidence to the contrary ,I'm still me.

I began thinking about things photographic the other day when I was sent a link to a blog that specializes in photos of zaftig ladies. It was sent as a joke ( I think) and as I looked at the pictures (purely in the name of research) I discovered that this particular fellow had a very particular interest. He would present photos of a young lady (fully dressed) from a few years back, when she was slender. Then he would continue this with a series taken over a few years as the young lady gained weight. (again, always fully dressed)Inevitably this would start with the dread "fresman 15" and then continue. Now some of these girls got big, but none of them were particularly shy about it- they seemed to embrace it.

Now this guy doesn't just have one or two examples of this he has at least a dozen! Who is sending him these pictures? The girls? Maybe.

Over the course of a lifetime we are so many different "me"s skinny, fat, bald , grey, old ,young, always different, always the same. I bet many of these girls would agree.

oh by the way- in general I think the girls are more attractive when they are "curvy" (purely a scientific evaluation)

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