Friday, November 16, 2007

slowly i turn

about 12 years ago i was at the museum of natural history wandering around.
I'm in the indian (oops native american ) room surrounded by totem poles and artifacts and stuff.
the rooms are dark and filled with stuff. stuff that is giving off a very powerful spiritual, spooky vibe.I am just giving myself over to this vibe and any and all thoughts it is planting in my head.

i remember that when i was a kid in the third grade we went on a trip to the museum and as i continue to look at all the stuff i think "this is the same stuff i was looking at 30 years ago. in the same place.

and as those thoughts combined with the sensory overload in that room i was convinced that i was going to turn around and see my third grade self standing across the room looking at me.

these thoughts are surely the sign of an over active imagination- over heated fantasy- or perhaps the first sign of brain fever.

pure fantasy

or is it?

the other night i was indulging the addiction that is you tube

seinfeld on letterman leads to

tommy newsome, ed shauhnessy and doc severinson playing 'here's that rainy day"on letterman
which leads to

lettermans last appearance on the tonight show, which leads to

johnny and bette midler singing "here's that rainy day" on the tonight show which leads to

bette midler in a clam shell on a south sea island beach singing "oklahoma" from 1977.

this is a cultural touchstone for me- I am always referencing that moment. a moment i never thought i would see again

a memory

but I turn around and theres that 30 year old memory in the room next to me

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